Training in Mat Pilates Coresprit®

Module 3 complements Module 2 and teaches how to structure Pilates classes using Thera Bands of different sizes, Stability Ball (Swiss Ball) and Foam Roller.
The module will revolve around 2 7-hour workshops .
Module 3 - Small equipment 2
of Training Module 3
Module 3 will teach you how to create variations of the basic exercises with three supports, the Thera Band, the Stability Ball (Swiss Ball) and the Foam Roll . These materials provide a more precise feeling of the stability of the center of the body and with their multiple possibilities of use will make your lessons even more varied and fun .
Prerequisites : it is advisable to have followed Modules 0, 1 and 2 before committing to this module.
Module duration : Module 3 will consist of 1 8-hour workshop.
Minimum/maximum number of participants per module: a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 participants are admitted per training course.
Regular attendance at Coresprit Pilates beginner classes (at least once a week) is recommended during the training cycle . A personal practice program will be provided to candidates to guide their personal practice work.
Contents of Module 3:
Module 3 will teach you how to introduce small materials into your lessons and use them to:
emphasize certain actions to intensify them or make them more precise or fluid;
make the exercises accessible in the event of difficulty or disability;
propose always different variants to the basic exercises.
The Thera Band
Thera Band elastic bands, with their different levels of tension, are used for stretching in the warm-up as well as in many exercises to create resistance that helps the perception of the body center or to tone the shoulder girdle and help its placement.
The use of rubber bands also makes it possible to very effectively mimic Pilates exercises on a machine.
The Stability Ball or Swiss Ball
This support has such popularity today that it has now become symbolic of the practice of Pilates. However, it is not easy to use and good control requires an already intermediate practice of Pilates on the mat. It can be used for warming up and for a very wide range of exercise variations.
For instance:
- as a support to challenge stability and thus allow a better feeling of holding the body center;
- as a point of support that defies balance;
- for intermediate and advanced variants of the basic exercises.
The Foam Roll
This 90 cm long foam roller is the latest arrival among the Pilates supports but also one of the most innovative accessories for the practice of Pilates on mats. It allows a feeling of extremely precise stabilization actions and new variations of exercises that focus on fluidity and power at the same time.
Program of training days:
Saturday 5pm-8pm
Sunday 10am-2pm
Assessment exam
For candidates who wish to obtain a certification of teaching aptitude, an evaluation examination, consisting of a guided practice of beginner exercises and a teaching practice with a situational scenario will take place on a date to be established.
Equipment provided:
Training Manual;
Personal training sheets
Recommended readings:
Blandine Calais-Germain: Anatomy for movement, volume 1
Place of training
The training will take place at the Center Anjaliom, 144 Bd de la Villette, Paris 75019.
All the necessary practice material during the training weekends is available from the Centre.
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